Here is what the contest is all about...
Download the LG KP500 Cookie thumb mark icon here.
Design an original artwork that best represents your personality using the famous Cookie thumbprint. Entries must not be the same as the ones posted above. Design must be in jpeg file format with a minimum resolution of 1275 X 1650 pixels
Post your design and write a blog/entry telling your readers:
Why your thumb mark design represents you
Why you deserve an LG Cookie phone
Ask your friends to rate your design on a scale of 1 – 5 cookies and share their insights. One insight per visitor will be counted. (Get your readers to comment on your entry and rate your design)
Post your blog/entry link in the thread of this main competition site (leave an opinion below containing a link to your entry).
The promo starts on April 8, 2009. Deadline for entries is on April 29, 2009, Friday.
One male and one female winner each of LG Cookie will be announced here on Friday, May 1st 2009.
Please rate my design so that I may have a chance of winning this contest. Just rate it from 1 to 5 cookies, and please give your opinion (even if it is negative, ok lang). Click image for better resolution...

Why my thumb mark design represents me...
Using photo editing software, I was able to render this kiddie like drawing of me. Here are ten reasons why I represent myself this way...
1) Big mouth - I LOVE food!

3) Brown shirt - this is actually my favorite shirt. I even wore this at some of the contests and awarding ceremonies I attended.
4) Pockets turned out - to emphasize reason #2. (NO FERA)
5) Camera - even if I have NO FERA, I practice amateur photography and join photo contests using point and shoot digicams i borrow from other people. I couldn't afford a decent digital SLR camera...
6) hand reaching out - I believe I am open to other people (or maybe I'm just grabbing a bowl of free food, harharhar)
7) Free taste stand / bowl of food - I love food and I love free stuff!
8) Outdoor scene - even though I stay indoors most of the time, I really love nature and the outdoors.
9) Wide eyes - I believe I have a positive outlook towards life.
10) Kiddie like design - I draw like a kid because I AM A KID (at heart)!
Why do I deserve a LG Cookie phone?
A kuripot kid like me believes that with hardwork, passion and a little luck, I may be able to win myself one great looking phone loaded with many great features - the LG KP500 Cookie phone. I also deserve this phone because ...(yum,yum cookie, reason #1)